Theaters in Verona
What could be more glamorous than spending an evening at the theatre during your stay in Verona?
Not only the theatres, but also the squares, church cloisters and palaces often become the stage for plays and touring performances in the streets of the city.
The offer is wide and varied but mainly in Italian language. For more information on the shows, dates, costs and purchase of tickets, we recommend to contact the theatre companies directly or check their websites.
Info & Bookings:
+39 333 2199 645 P.I. 03616420232 C.F. CPPMHL74L13L781C
In Verona, downtown and province, there are numerous public theatres.
Main theaters in Verona are Teatro Nuovo, il Philharmonic Theatre, Ristori Theatre, Camploy Theatre. All of them offer a rich programme of drama, music, dance, and talks.
They are all in a central location or easily accessible on foot.
In summer, the Arena di Verona is also open for the opera season and non-opera concerts, and the Teatro Romano, with a programme of drama and music.
If you want to know more

Concerti Extra-Lirica
May - October
In addition to opera, the Arena di Verona also hosts a rich programme of jazz, rock, pop and music concerts every year, with internationally renowned artists.Find out concerts program at the Arena »

Opera Festival
June - September
The opera festival in the Arena of Verona. Huge and spectacular sets, internationally renowned artists in the magical atmosphere of a two-thousand-year-old amphitheatre.Find out Opera program at the Arena »

Philharmonic Theatre
September - May
Operas, operettas, concerts by internationally renowned artists in the fascinating 18th-century setting of Verona's Teatro Filarmonico.Find out Philharmonic Theatre »
Parish theaters
Also in the city are a number of parish theaters that, although they certainly do not have the size and importance of large institutional theaters, can offer interesting shows, of independent productions, often dedicated to the younger generations.
It is not always easy to access the programs; promotion is often left to the companies that organize the shows there.
Among the main parish theaters are: S.S. Trinity Theater, Filippini Theater, Stimate Theater.
Theatre in the squares
In the warm summer evenings in Verona, the colonnades and cloisters of some squares and churches become the stage for theatrical performances. The shows are often staged by amateur companies, whose passion and dedication, however, offer productions that have nothing to envy to professional ones.
Venues include the cloister of the church of Santa Maria in Organo, Sant'Eufemia, the Montanari courtyard. In the past also the wide spaces of theAustrian Arsenal, the courtyards of Palazzo della Ragione, Cortile Mercato Vecchio became the amazing open air stages for plays and shows. They are all places rich in history and charm that contribute to creating a magical atmosphere.
In the outskirt
There are also some interesting theatre offers just outside Verona.
Salieri Theatre

In Legnago, about three quarters of an hour from Verona, there is the Salieri Theatre, dedicated to the great composer, known to most for his role as Mozart's 'antagonist', who was originally from this town.
It offers a varied programme with concerts, ballets, competitions.
Green Theatre at Villa Rizzardi

In Negrar, in the heart of Valpolicella, there is Villa Rizzardi, with its extraordinary Italian-style garden, inside which there is a green theatre, made entirely of expertly pruned boxwood and hornbeam hedges. The theatre of Villa Rizzardi is regularly used in summer for concerts and performances.
+39 333 2199 645 P.I. 03616420232 C.F. CPPMHL74L13L781C